Ibstock & Barlestone Surgeries

132 High Street, Ibstock, Leicester, LE67 6JP

Telephone: 01530 263467


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Barlestone Surgery, Westfields, Barlestone, CV13 0EN | Telephone: 01455 299920 | ibstockhouse@nhs.net

Home Visits

If you feel that you or a relative or friend needs a home visit please call the surgery before 10am if possible. The doctor will usually telephone before visiting to collect information and decide if a visit is clinically necessary.

Our team is dedicated to providing the best possible care but seeing a patient at home rather than in the surgery has a lot of disadvantages. Facilities at home can never be as good as at the surgery and travelling takes up a lot of time which we would rather spend with patients. (Our doctors typically speak to at least four patients in the time it takes to do a single home visit.)

For these reasons the final decision on whether to visit at home rests with the doctor.

Many of our home visits are now carried out by our Emergency Care Practitioners, they have many years of experience of seeing patients out in the community and are also used to dealing with emergency situations.